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How to pack electronics before moving

Packing electronics is often a tedious process of packing for a relocation, doing it the right way can save you not only time, but money by avoiding potential damages and having to replace lost parts to expensive items.

1. Taking everything apart, this includes electronics power cords and anything that could come loose. This will help in protecting your electronics from potentially scratching surfaces and being damaged in the process of relocating. Leaving everything attached can cause wires and cords to be entangled with one another and can cause the unpack to take much longer than necessary. By separating the cords and wrapping them up so they don’t take up your valuable time untangling them is very important.

2. Using proper packing materials to pack items with especially electronics is essential, this is because during a relocation a box might be dropped and be moved around multiple times. This increases the chance that something might break, using proper packing paper and or pillows and blankets to protect items is very important in ensuring they arrive safely. Other materials that are useful in packing electronics are, rubber bands for wire and cords and bubble wrap to protect screens and breakable surfaces.

3. Packing everything separately is very important, use boxes to pack cords and adaptors and label each container or box with corresponding items inside. By keeping items separate you’re able to further be able to avoid damages to your belongings. In many instances electronics have glass or screens that are easily scratched, while moving items tend to shift and can be scratched or damaged in the process, so it’s much better to keep items separate to eliminate that from happening all together.

Electronics are often the most expensive items in ones household and it’s very important to protect them during a relocation. By remembering to do the above steps you’re more likely to avoid having to repair or replace these items after your relocation.

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